1989 Scorecard Vote

Offshore Oil Drilling
Senate Roll Call Vote 167
Issues: Dirty Energy, Drilling

Outer Continental Shelf facilities (off-shore oil rigs) have operated under unlimited liability for clean-up over the last 20 years. An amendment offered by Senator Breaux (D-LA) and adopted by the Senate Environment Committee placed a $100 million limit on liability for OCS facilities, thus decreasing protection for the environment from off-shore drilling. Senator Pete Wilson (R-CA) offered a floor amendment to strike the $100 million limit on liability for OCS facilities, thus decreasing protection for the environment from off-shore drilling. Senator Pete Wilson (R-CA) offered a floor amendment to strike the $100 million liability limit for oil spills from outer continental shelf facilities and to replace it with unlimited liability for clean-up costs. A Mitchell (D-ME) motion to table this amendment was defeated 34-66. August 3, 1989. No is the pro-environmental vote. The Wilson amendment was subsequently adopted by voice vote.

is the
pro-environment position
Votes For: 34  
Votes Against: 66  
Not Voting: 0  
Pro-environment vote
Anti-environment vote
Missed vote
Not applicable
Senator Party State Vote