2019 Voto de la Tarjeta de Evaluaciones

Stopping the Dirty Power Scam
Senado Votación Nominal 324
Tema: Cambio Climático, Aire Limpio , Energía Sucia

Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) sponsored S.J. Res. 53, the resolution of disapproval of the Trump Administration’s Affordable Clean Energy rule. This rule, more accurately titled the Dirty Power Scam, is part of a dangerous pattern of this administration ignoring science and favoring polluters over the public interest. This rule does nothing to fight climate change or protect communities from toxic pollution, and it lets fossil fuel-fired power plants off the hook to clean up their carbon pollution. The Dirty Power Scam would put no meaningful limits on carbon pollution, and, in fact, could lead to more pollution in many parts of the country than if there were no standard at all. On October 17, the Senate rejected S.J. Res. 53 by a vote of 41-53 (Senate roll call vote 324). YES IS THE PRO ENVIRONMENT VOTE.

es el
voto pro-ambientalista
Votos a Favor: 41  
Votos en Contra: 53  
No Votar: 6  
Acción a favor del ambiente
Acción en contra del ambiente
Ausencia (cuenta como negativo)
Ausencia justificada (no cuenta)
Inelegible para votar
Senador Partido Estado Voto